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Serves: 5
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes

Fusilli, Rotini, Gemelli. These spiral-shaped pastas are fairly similar to each other and give dishes such as pasta salad an interesting texture. Rotini is similar to fusilli, just slightly smaller and more tightly wound. Gemelli is double-twisted like a helix.


  • 1/2 pound Fusilli, Rotini, Gemelli pasta
    Good olive oil
    1 pound ripe tomatoes, medium-diced
    3/4 cup good black olives, such as kalamata, pitted and diced
    4 oz good feta cheese, medium-diced
    6 sun-dried tomatoes in oil, drained and chopped
    For the dressing:

    1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes in oil, drained and diced
    3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
    6 tablespoons good olive oil
    1 garlic clove, diced
    1 tbsp capers, drained
    1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
    1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan
    3/4 cup parsley, chopped


  • Cook the pasta in a large pot of boiling water. Boil for 12 minutes, or according to the directions on the package. Drain well and allow to cool. Place the pasta in a large bowl and add the tomatoes, olives, feta and chopped sun-dried tomatoes.
    The dressing:
    combine the sun-dried tomatoes, vinegar, olive oil, garlic, capers in a food processor until almost smooth.
    Pour the dressing over the pasta, sprinkle with the Parmesan and parsley, and toss well.
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